* Testing of all controls
* Written Report
* Master Drain Operation
* Throttle Operation
* Battery Condition
* Emergancy Lights
* Pressure and Flow Testing
* Pressure Relief Controls Test
* Tank to Pump Flow Check
* Dry Vacuum Test
* Pressure Gauge Checks
Kirvida Fire offers Fire departments a cost effective means of complying with their annual pump test requirements as defined by ISO and the National Fire Protection Association. Our service includes NFPA 1911 Pump Test with follow up recommendations, parts and repair of the pump.
We carry sufficient parts on board to perform most onsite repairs after testing. We make the effort NOT to leave you out of service or without a corrective action plan. Kirvida Fire is equipped to keep your truck in top condition for any emergency. Annual pump test compliance helps your community recieve maximum credit points to help maintain the lowest insurance rates possible and that your apparatus is performing as intended for the safety of your firefighters and protection
of your community.